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tv   The Ed Show  MSNBC  October 8, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT

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doing a new web series "choicing the hill". >> and so are you. >> that will take like a year to come t? >> no, it's coming out i think in an hour. >> no. >> within the week. you play a governor from kansas. i got a text from brenttweet, a. from our co-executive producer and director who said you were, in capital letters, in bold, great. >> we should stay after the show here and do an extra piece here for our web so you can continue to talk -- i think you used the word great with me? >> i did. tell people they have to go on-line. >> go to the web, richard schiff on "chasing the hill." you get the last word tonight. the ed show is up next. good evening, americans and welcome to the ed show from new york. 29 days until the 2012
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elections. mitt romney is trying to use fear and lying to get into the white house. he won't get away with it here tonight. this is the ed show. let's get to work. >> american security and cause of freedom cannot afford four more years like the last four years. >> the romney line to work continuing in virginia. tonight, retired colonel lawrence wilkerson on mitt romney's scare tactics. his bad ideas and return to bush policies. >> they said what? >> the president dedicates a national monument no caesar chavez as the conspiracy theorists continue to foam at the mouths. >> do you they think changed anything. >> i do. i think they did a lot of monkey business. >> and the latest from the republican alternate reality. >> the reason we face difficulty in our problem solving mechanism is that a good portion of this country created an alternate universe. >> new study out of ohio shows
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america just how discriminatory and racist the republican effort to stop early voting really was. you won't believe these numbers. state senator anita turner joins me live in studio. >> good to have you with us tonight, folks. thanks for watching. mitt romney is following up his debate performance in denver last week by introducing the country to the new mitt romney. the new mitt romney is not the candidate we've seen for the last couple of years. last week, romney lied about his policies on taxes, education and healthcare. today the candidates foreign policy positions went under the knife during a speech at the virginia military institute. romney laid out a complete reversal on his strategy for mideast peace. >> i recommit america to the goal of democratic prosperous palestinian state living side by side in peace and security with the jewish state of israel. >> the new mitt romney is totally committed to a two-state solution in israel but this is
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not what mitt romney told a group of wealthy donors in private. >> and i look at the palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes -- of iz real and these thorny issues, and i say there's just no way going to remain an unsolved problem we live with that in china and taiwan. all right, we have a potentially volatile situation but we sort of live with it, and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it. >> priceless tape, isn't it? direct from romney's mouth. you hope from is some stability. you hope something will happen. listen to the new mitt romney today and his opinion on hope. >> i know the president hopes for a safer, freer and more prosperous middle east assigned with us. i share this hope.
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but hope san strategy. >> the new mitt romney does not even flinch when he makes a blatantly false accusation. >> i'll champion free trade and restore it as a critical element of our strategy. both in the middle east and across the world. the president has not signed one new free trade agreement in the past four years. i'll reverse that failure. >> romney's correct, the president has not signed one new trade agreement. in fact, the president of the united states has signed three new trade agreements. deit last year with bipartisan support from congress. the new mitt romney hopes you forgot about those trade agreements. just like he hopes you forgot about his own position on foreign aid. >> i'll make further reforms no our foreign assistance to create sentence for good governance, free enterprise and free trade. in the middle east and beyond. rally friends to match our
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generosity to theirs. >> previously mitt romney took his cues from foreign aid from rick perry. >> one of the things we have to do with our foreign aid commitments, the ongoing foreign aid commitments, i agree with governor perry. start everything at zero. >> another strategy is to keep things deliberately vague. this week marks the 11th year for the war in afghanistan. the new mitt romney finally has a position on the war. >> in afghanistan, i'll pursue a real and successful transition to afghan security forces by the end of 2014. >> that just happens to be the exact same position of the current president of the united states. this guy named barack obama. romney didn't offer any additional specifics, so it is hard to tell if he has really any disagreement with the president over afghanistan. the same goes for iran. >> i'll put the leaders of iran
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on notice that the united states and our friends and allies will prevent them from acquiring weapon escapebility. >> if you believe the new mitt romney, he is going to prevent iran from getting a nuclear weapon. president obama says the same thing. but mitt romney doesn't say how he will prevent iran from getting any nuclear weapon. he also doesn't tell you who is advising him on all of these matters. one of his foreign policy advisors is former bushy john bolton who never met a bomb he couldn't launch. earlier this area bolton told fox news the bet wear toy prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons is to attack its program directly. oh, boy. another romney adviser, here is a dandy, his former bush state department official robert joseph. joseph, now you're wondering, where do we know this guy from. he has been calling an attack on iran since 2006. oh, yeah. you may remember robert joseph as the guy who told president bush it use a false story about
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iraq and uranium. and just put it in the state of the union address. then there's romney adviser elliott cohen who says romney wouldn't rule out sending troops to libya. anybody in favor of that? it's a wonder romney's foreign policy got a thumb's up from donald rumsfeld who treated terrific comprehensive speech by governor romney. he knows america's role in the world should be a leader, not as a spectator. wow. the new mitt romney's closing remarks came right out of the bush cheney neon play book, folks. vote for us or we're going to get attacked again. >> america's security and cause of freedom cannot afford four more years like the last four years. >> mitt romney will not let americans know what his real policies are. it is the bush administration all over again. especially when it comes to foreign policy. how's that sit with you? even obama adviser robert gibbs
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and newt "the gary radnich shgi anything to get elected. >> mr. speaker, you mentioned that your opponent mitt romney had a problem with being dishonest in the primary. my problem is with, was he dishonest when he said that. >> i think it is clear his position changed. >> the only path for the white house is for voters to pretend that changes never happen pepd get your cell phones out. want to know what you think. tonight's question, who do you trust when it comes to foreign policy decisions? text a for president obama. text b for mitt romney. we will bring you the results later on in the show. go to our blog and leave a comment as well. joining me tonight is colonel lawrence wilkerson, former chief of staff at state department during general collin powell's term and currently the visiting professor at college of william and mary. colonel, good to have you with us tonight. we got a very -- >> good to be here, ed. >> you bet. you heard the speech today. what is fact, what is fiction in
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mitt romney's foreign policy? >> let me just say first ed that i've never in my some 68 years on this earth witnessed any political candidate for the presidency of the united states. move so swiftly from his speech to, as it were, to the right wing of his party, in this case the republican party to the center where he is trying to attract the majority of americans and change his views so stunningly. you pointed it out. but it is utterly unbelievable to me as a republican that we could have such extremes in the party and have someone who would try to address both of them and win the white house. >> would mitt romney take us to war against iran? >> i don't know, because i don't know what his policy is, ed. i think his policy from what i've heard and what i've talked to some of his advisors about is almost identical with president obama's but in order to establish some kind of gap
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between them web seems to be saying things that would indicate, yes, he would take us to war yet again in western asia. >> romney talked a lot about military spending today. here is how he's going to spend tax dollars. here it spp. >> we needed to fulfill our missions by building 15 ships ber year including three submarines. i will have missile defense to protect against threats. snrs where will he get the money for this h? is all that necessary? >> that's a good question. we just did a study at center for american progress and institute for policy studies. larry corb, former secretary of defense was on the board with me. and we showed how if you cut national security spending, ed, not just the pentagon, but everything across the board. v.a., doe's nuclear weapons and so forth, you would cut a trillion dollars out in ten years and still bring us back to
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2007, ed. 2007 level spending and inflation adjusted dollars. that's because for 13 years now, we have been increasing the defense budget. you can easily cut. to hear this man talk even against what secretary gates was recommending, but even to the point where he would increase the budget, build more ships and so forth is preposterous. we do not need that sort of increase in defense spending. what we need is for the national security budget to pay its efforts towards reducing the deficit while keeping us safe. we're not fighting china. we're not fighting a coalition of nations. we're fighting at best some terrorist in the world and the best thing for that is special operating forces as president obama has shown with the so this is insanity. he is operating on cold war music sheet. >> colonel, what do you make of donald rumsfeld giving his endorse many for romney's foreign policy speech today.
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>> that will is sort of like having atill atillah the hun. he has zero credibility with me and he will never regain it. >> what about the bushies around mitt romney? john bolton? he talks very wrecklessly when he talks about containing iran. he scarce people with his rhetoric. does he really believe it? do you think romney would be influenced by that kind of conversation? >> i think he would. i think john bolton will be in this administration in some capacity. john will make sure he is in some capacity should romney win. the man scares me to death. he would defeat all of the enemies of america in world and believe me, they are plentiful and do it with everyone else's blood. john is like dick cheney. never served a day in his life and wouldn't serve a day in his life, nor would he allow if he
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had any, his family members to serve a day in their life. these people make me sick, ed. >> colonel lawrence wilkerson. always great to have you on the show. remember to answer the question at the bottom of the screen. we want to know what you think. coming up, donald trump says the job numbers are a lot of monkey business. republican alternate reality. stay with us. so much more coming up on "the ed show." here right back. but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth! thanks.
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you're not just looking for a by house. eyes you're looking for a place for your life to happen.
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female candidates in the senate. it wasn't supposed to be like that way, was it? well look at why women are leading in key senate races across mer cap p and an ohio judge upholds early voting on
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the final three days before the election. a new study reveals the effect voting restrictions would have on the state's african-american community. i'll have reaction from nina turner in studio with us tonight. share your thoughts with us on facebook and twiter. we're coming right back. everyone in the nicu, all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you.
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massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. welcome back to "the ed show." the republicans alternate reality shifted lately from poll numbers to job numberes. today donald trump was the late test say the obama administration cooked the books. >> do you think they changed the numbers? >> i do, i do. and i think they did a lot of those -- a lot of monkey business. and i'm telling you, a month and a half from now, they will do a readjustment like has been happening for the last year and a half. they will do a readjustment and the number will be 8.2 or more. >> all right. >> of course last week it was former general electric chief
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jack welch, alan west and right wing pundits making the allegation. we should remind viewers what got them so siexcited. until a few days guy conservatives were claiming all of the national polls, saying, they must have been off. the latest gallup tracking poll shows president obama's lead widening to five points again. today president obama was shoring up the hispanic vote just days before voter registration deadlines in 11 states. the president dedicated a moment to caesar chavez. >> where there had once been despare, geez ared dis/* dispare, caesar gave people hope. whether it was bet are work conditions, that was a reminder that we are all god's children. >> dedicating a monument to caesar chavez within let's bring
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in correspondent from magazine. ari, president obama is not taking his lead or strength from the hispanic community. he wants more. he is trying to really solidify this. play to his base. how smart a strategy is it? >> i think it is smart and i think what the president has to do right now is get out there and get into the fight. i think people want to see him talking to voters, see him talking about the unemployment numbers, which as you pointed out are improving. still tough out there. but better than they have been. on the ground, that's not the only thing people are thinking about. >> donald trump is trying to stir the conspiracy theory about job numbers. you know, how can you have 31 months of private sector job growth. the department of labor never -- or you know, not taking any heat at all until right now. now all of a sudden they are cooking the boks. >> you know people say there are only two parties in american politics. i think we found the third
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party. conservative troopers. they will lie about anything they don't like. this is worst than attacking the messenger. which we know that is an old thing in politics. every time they do it, they get the media to go along, get confused and nair rit the story about their lies. instead of focussing on the fact. which in this case, it looks like some of what the president tried do is work it. >> ed gallespie said this about the unemployment rate. here it is. >> our unemployment rate has come down because, since president obama took office, for every new job created more than six workers left the labor force. >> in september, however, didn't the bureau of labor statistics numbers show that the rate coming down because of workers entering the labor force. i mean, this really is the key right here. >> yeah. do you have a question about the long-term unemployed and whether they stopped looking for work and the bureau of labor
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statistics does two surveys. they talked to workers and employers. so there is a lag there that some people aren't being counted. but that again has nothing to do with the fact that the general picture is improving. that sort of issue is base baked into the numbers all the time. so what the republicans have here is real problem, right? they said the president wasn't doing anything on the economy and anything would be better than the president. anything out there, even if mitt romney isn't very credible. all of a sudden they are going into november and they find we have the best job market we have had in four years. so they have to start making stuff up. attack the messengers, facts, and everything else. their fundamental problem is the facts. >> so when you look at the job market right now and you see these positive numbers -- >> yeah. >> over 5 million people have been put back to work. 31 months of private sector job growth. romney did not go after the 7.8%. he just said, this is not what a recovery looks like.
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what do you make of that? everybody else is talking about cooking the books. but romney wouldn't go that far. >> it is a good question. i think it shows he knows where his vulnerability is. if you look at the new numbers, generally people thought romney did better. democrats thought romney did better in the debate. you know the people that didn't move at all, people making under $75,000. >> they know who he is and what he is about. >> i think he is better off changing the subject than getting into that. he hasn't moved those people even on the best night he's had in the last year. >> all right, ari melber. thank you. >> republicans don see this coming. three women are using three crucial issues to beat three gop favorites. the senate surprise is next. then fox news is backing up mitt romney's $5 trillion tax lie. i'll talk with msnbc contributor
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thanks for staying with us tonight here on "the ed show." i find this a very interesting political story. three women are using three key issues to basically stun republicans and pull ahead in their senate races. republicans expected all of these women to lose. instead, they are out campaigning their opponents and boosting support for president oba obama. let's start with democrat tammy baldwin and the medicare debate.
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baldwin is three points ahead of former governor tommy thompson of wisconsin tp. here is the main reason. in may thompson was promising to do away with medicaid medicare. he is trying to clarify comments. it not working. this shows her taking care of her great grandparents. she promises to leave it alone. so baldwin is proving to be a tougher candidate than the republicans bargained for in the badger state. but there is another surprise for the gop. elizabeth warren is ahead of republican favorite scott brown in massachusetts. warren uses romney's 47% comment to go after brown on tax fairness. brown responds by attacking warren's native american heritage. his staffers were even caught on tape making racist gesturees. brown thinks he can win the elect on this issue. but it's not working. warren is ahead by piff points. her fellow democrat in missouri is doing even better.
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senator claire mcascal. caught on tape last month saying that he doesn't support fair pay for women because it hurts free enterprise. would you like it run against that comment? mccaskel were warren and baldwin are focusing on women's issues, 47 percent in medicare, it's working. and there are others. hide ae heitkamp in north dakota. mario hirono and shelly berkeley neck and neck in nevada. all of these women are giving democrats have a fighting chance. well, i guess we could say four or five months ago we wouldn't be here having some conversation. but it's been the war on women.
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it's been the middle class. the 47% comment. there's a host of things out there. but it is really having a down ballot effect. how scary is it, you think, michelle, right now, for the republicans that this will just blow up in their face? >> well i think what is scary is that a couple of these races, as you said, are races they shouldn't be losing. the todd aiken race most obviously. but even wisconsin. even a lot of people who admire tammy baldwin thought when tommy thompson won the primary, very popular former governor with a kind of moderate reputation, they thought she was in a lot of trouble and instead she really pulling ahead. >> when you see kelly, the number of democratic female candidates doing well, is z this help the president? this is the image business. what does it look like? >> absolutely. they called 1992 the year of the woman. there was a landmark year where a dozens of female democratic members of congress were swept up in the clinton year and 20 years later we appear to be
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having another one. the reason this is good for the president is because it helps increase the turn-out and enthusiasm among female voters. i think i mentioned before that emily's list shows that emily's issues are having a down ballot effect. in terms of getting moderate women to turn out to the polls, feeling enthusiastic and they have to show up and fight. there are a lot of moderate women who may not be that enthusiastic about the president. they are enthusiastic about access to birth control. enthusiastic knowing the term about legitimate rape is not a legitimate term. they are enthuseattic about sending that message to the poll. that does help democrats at the poll. >> a woman hasn't been voted to the united states senate. liz wedelizabeth warren was ask about it in the last debate. >> i wonder why you think massachusetts never elected a female senator or governor. >> i don't know.
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>> no idea? does it trouble you? [ applause ] >> well, right now, i'm trying to do something about that. >> isn't that just a fantastic answer? >> you know, there's been a lot of studies about one of the reasons that the gap in american political representation is to wide, is because of who runs as opposed to how likely women are to win when they do run. so there's been this huge untapped kind of pool of talent that they weren't -- women weren't putting themselves forward. they were less likely to be recruited. but researchers who looked at this see that when women run, they are as likely to win as men are. >> what about north dakota's rice with heidi heitkamp up against one of the wealthiest in congress in rick berg. he came in in the tea party wave
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but hasn't been very popular in the state. it is a red state. she is a populist. what do you make of that race? that's a big seat. >> it was. >> that is senator conrad retiring from the senate budget committee. >> democrats hold on to the committee. the unthinkable happens, which they gang and they will have a one rather impressive politician, or not very impressive, but a politician to send a politician to and that is todd aiken. >> you think he affected the races? tz. >> it is like the canser that spread. you have the tack, the war on women. and they say that's not true. there is no war on women. and someone comes out and says, i'm convinced doctors are giving abortions to women who are not even pregnant. that is hard to say if our party doesn't have a war on women. call me crazy. >> cuts in medicaid have been proposed in the ryan plan has really affected a lot of these races. because as families in america,
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we try to take care of our parents. that affects moms, you know. that affects a lot and they say, i'm not for that. >> in these women issues, in the race what these women are running on, like you say, economic populism. the core of elizabeth warren's message, the core of the message in north dakota and it shades over into women's issues because women end of being in charge for caring for family members ever being the person in charge of healthcare for their children. and so, you know, they know very viscerally what it would mean to say lose medicaid, which is paying for the nursing home of, you know, of their aging parents. >> a brutal cut. it doesn't sit well. >> and my column for the root, i talked about after the debate. for all of bad news for the democrats from that debate, i
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noticed if you counted how many times they said healthcare, education, medicare, women are more likely to vote for those things. because they end up having the responsibility for kids and elderly parents. >> up on the next half hour on the ed show, stay with us, we're coming right back. >> my plan is different. it involves 41 basic elements. six abrupt reversals of position and three outright lies. >> it would be funny if it wasn't so true. next stop, e.j. deion on the moral hole of mitt romney's lies and budget. another big time ceo gets caught advising his employees to vote romney or else. that story ahead. in a new study out of ohio, shows america just how racist the state's anti-early voting effort really was. you won't believe these numbers.
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state senator nina turner joins me live in-studio. >> if your hair is on fire, you need to act like your hair is on fire. teaching the perfect swing begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye. we might still be making mix tapes. find this. pause this. play this. eject this. write this. it's like the days before esurance express lane™. you had to find a bunch of documents just to get a car insurance quote. now express lane finds your driving info with just one click, saving time to be nostalgic about the days before express lane. thank you, insurance for the modern world. esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call.
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we share responsibility for creating an economy where parents with jobs earn enough to care for their families. in order to cut taxes for the wealthy. the romney ryan budget would make it even tougher on hard-working americans. >> that sistercy moan campbell speaking at the democratic convention last month. her group, nuns on the bus, will kick off another leg of their anti-pof tir tour. this time making stops in ohio. meanwhile, mitt romney still can't give a straight answer on exactly what his plan is for the wealthy. he campaigned on giving the mega rich a tax cut. his website backs him up.
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yet at the debate, romney claimed the opposite. >> first of all, i don't have a $5 trillion tax cut. i'm not looking for a $5 trillion tax cut. let me repeat what i said, i'm not in favor after $5 trillion tax cut. that's not my plan. >> a romney's plan could cost the country $5 trillion over the next five years. his friends at fox news says he doesn't have to explain his fuzzy math. here is chris wallace depending romney's flip-flop to o'malley. >> the president says that mitt romney is proposing a $5 trillion tax cut. that's not true. >> kras, wait a minute here. the governor -- i mean, former governor romney, is proposing 0% cut to income taxes, including for the wealthiest of americans
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and 30% cut to corporate income taxes. any economist my debate whether that is 4.9 trillion or 5 trillion. >> you're mischaracterizing the romney plan. you're right, 5 trillion by lowering the tax rates but also cuts about cutting loop holes and -- >> ahhhh. >> but that is part of the plan. >> but he won't say which loop holes and which deductions. >> joining me washington post kol columnest and author. you. >> you have a lot of heart, ed. >> i have so much heart. there are polls on the table that mitt romney is talking about. i tweeted out tonight, could we actually elect a man who has not explained his tax proposal to the american people when we're sitting supposedly on the edge of this cliff when it comes to
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the country's finances? e.j., your thoughts? >> i still don't think voters are going to sort of support something like this, not knowing what is in it. i've been wondering why we haven't heard more of romney was for his 5 trillion cut before he was against it. because you look at this plan and it is 5 trillion that the cuts add up to. and you've got to offset them somehow. and the only way to offset them is to go after the popular dededuction. homeowner deduction. or healthcare deductions. that's where the money is. >> sure. >> so it is astonishing to me, i mean, that's where a lot of us wish, the president saying, how do you pay for it? in the primaries, he didn't talk a lot about those offsets.
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he talked about cutting taxes for everybody. and that's the etch a sketch thing that he is doing in a very big way in that debate. >> so anybody asking mitt romney to explain the arid ridgarithme just mischaracterizing. mischaracterizing what? the public deserves the details. is this really his pit fall with the middle class and he just can't explain where he will take them or try to? >> maybe i will cut chris wall us a little slack there because he was the guy who pressed paul ryan on this very question. and ryan couldn't say, he said, i don't really have time to explain the math. and i think in this coming week's debate, with joe biden, that is a question that joe biden will ask over and over again and give them all of the
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time in the world to explain what deductions they might get rid of. when you look at this rate he is talking about, there is a lot of money that is going to people at the upper end. and it is very hard to offset their tax cut, even if you took away all their deductions. >> e.j., you posed the question, does our presidential campaign look a moral core. what did you mean by that? >> i was struck in the debate that there was very little passion and absolutely no passion for the poor. and that's why i love the nuns on the bus. is because they are telling us, they are not assuming with consultants that middle class people don't care about poor people or low income people. they are saying, we as a country, ought to care about them. and you know, i love to see a politician say what fdr once said. he said better the occasional faults of a government that lives in a spirit of charity than a government frozen in the ice of its own indifference. and i just feel like we're
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letting ourselves get frozen in our own indifference because no one takes on the demonizing of the poor or defending programs for the poor that actually work and that's what the nuns on the bus are out there doing. >> e.j., let's go back it 2008 and vice presidential debate where joe biden is up against sarah palin. everyone knew she was information challenged and there was a tight rope joe biden was walking there. he didn't want to come out overbearing or disrespectful because that could have hurt him. it took the tick wet female voters in america. now it is totally different, isn't it? now joe biden who is kind of been held back by the administration is now nudged out there to say, go get them, joe. what do you make of this? >> well, i think joe biden is a better debater than president obama. i thought that back under 2008. i saw several debates where joe biden outdebated all of them on
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the stage. and so yes, i think there are no-holds barred here. he has to make up for some questions that president obama didn't have the last time this will be a -- certainly more exciting debate than the first debate was. and i think it is a debate that won't have that moral hole in it quite as much. because biden can get passionate about some of these issues related to unfairness and equality. >> e.j., as always, great to have you with us on the ed show. thanks. >> coming up, a michigan ceo tells his employees that, if president obama is re-elected, prepare for a pay cut. i will tell you all about the leaked letter, next.
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up next, find out dwr the ceo of a michigan auto parts company says employees should expect less in their paycheck in obama has a second term. and how discriminatory ohio
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voter restrictions may have been. you can listen to my radio show on sirius xm radio. follow me on twitter and ed show and like the ed show on facebook. we are coming right back. stay with us.
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welcome back to the ed show. thanks for watching tonight. you know in the business world, the boss can do whatever he wants to do. this is an interesting one in that the president and ceo of a michigan based manufacture sent a letter out to his 2300 employees warning them, you know, if this guy president obama gets re-elected, their paychecks will get much smaller. in the letter leaked richard lax junior of lax enterprises writes, it is important that in november, you vote to improve your standard of living and that will be through smaller government and less government. he goes on to write, obama care will raise the company's health
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insurance costs by 2%. as employees, you will receive no additional direct benefit other than you will have to pay for it. lacks also warns that any additional tax increase discussed by the administration would come out f takes the less there will be available to spread around to the working people of this company. now here's the the kicker in all of this. lax enterprises makes automobile parts and business is pretty good. in fact, the letter also notified employees of their sixth bonus in almost three years. what happened about three years ago? wasn't there something going on with the automobile industry like a loan put out? but the company tries to claim their auto-related business did not benefit from the obama administration's auto loan. he writes, we survived because our business model and the money we have in the bank to survive
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these downturns, it would not have provided lacks with any direct dollars. really? but who does lacks enterprise count on as clients? general motors? chrysler? ford? sure lacks didn't get direct dollars, but if it weren't for the automobile loan forked out by the obama administration, if mitt romney had had his way and let detroit go bankrupt, there wouldn't be all those cars for lacks enterprises to make parts for, don't you think? tonight in our survey i asked, who do you trust when it comes to foreign policy decisions? 95% of you say president obama. 5% of you say mitt romney. coming up, a new study shows how racist ohio's anti-early voting law was. nina turner is here with us. we're right back.
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when you take a closer look... the best schools in the world... see they all have something very interesting in common. they have teachers... ...with a deeper knowledge of their subjects. as a result, their students achieve at a higher level. let's develop more stars in education. let's invest in our teachers... they can inspire our students. let's solve this.
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in the big finish tonight, a study is exposing how racist an anti-voting law was. it would discriminate against african-americans in ohio's second largest city of cleveland. the study found that african-americans used early in person voting at 26 times the rate of white voters in 2008. the study used census tracks where the voting population is
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over 80% african-american. every one of those red dots on the map represent 50 early voters. ohio republicans were trying to end early voting 72 hours prior to election day except for members of the armed forces. luckily for all ohio voters, their efforts have failed. on friday a federal appeals court judge upheld a lower courts decision striking down the law. the three-judge panel ruled the 72-hour voting period should be open to all voters in the state, including members of the military. this is good news. some questions still remain. it's being report the the final decision could be up to individual ohio counties meaning 72-hour window we're talking about could still end in certain places in the state. ohio republicans can still file another appeal sending it to the supreme court. as of now, there's no word of that appeal. it is big. president obama needs ohio to
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win the election. in most scenarios played out. for more on this, i'm joined by ohio state senator nina turner with us here in studio in new york. senator, great to have you with us tonight. this is really proof, isn't it? that there was targeting of the african-american communities. >> there's no doubt about it. the republicans seem to have a conflict with the truth. now that the lawyers group has conducted a study, the only type of voting that they are trying to suppress is early in person voting. vote by mail, they have expanded with glee. but the voting with the most detrimental impact they have cut. >> what's going to happen with the supreme court? do you think the republicans will keep pushing this or is this the way it's going to be? explain how they can shut it down in some counties. >> it's a good decision and i'm glad the courts upheld the ruling. what it does is restore us to prehouse bill. that means that boards of
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elections will have the opportunity. we did have weekend voting in the last three days. so it's a good thing. it's my hope that it the republicans will not make a mockery of what the judges have decided, which is to give more access to the ballot box. >> a cleveland city councilwoman took this photo of a billboard in the city of cleveland. it says, voter fraud is a felony, up to three and a half years in prison and a $10,000 fine. what advice do you have for people intimidated by this? >> we went to that billboard together. as tears welled up in my eyes at the sight of that. the fact that african-americans have had to fight so hard to get the right to vote, and then you have groups who are putting billboards up like that. the mayor of the city of cleveland lives two streets over. we're going to continue to fight.
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we'll not be pushed back by these intimidation efforts. they know disproportionately this will have an impact on the the african-american community who they are represented in the prison system or some of them do have felonies. but you can vote in the state of ohio even if you are an ex-offender. >> how are things looking for president obama in ohio? i know the polls have gone from 5-9 points and bouncing around, but how is he doing? >> he's doing well. we are on the ground. we are going door to door. the president is still going to win ohio. you know, when the polls are up for our side, we're happy. when the polls are up for their side, they're happy. but the ultimate poll is what folks do on election day. and ohio is going to vote for the man that stands by their side. >> does the african-american community feel like they have been targeted? is the burn in the belly? >> it is. there's no doubt about it. it doesn't matter if you meant